Saturday, June 6, 2009

Health and Safety Tip #2

  1. Jogging and water- Everyone needs a morning jog. and when you start, you should always have a bottle of water in your hand, incase you get sweaty.
  2. Bike riding- When you ride your bike or trike, you should always need your helmet because you could get hurt when you bonk your head on the sidewalk. i accidentlly fell of my bike ( with a helmet on. ) and hurt my knee.

sunscreen and health food

Thanks for reading the tip. there will be more soon. make sure you read them. no, you do not put sunscreen on fruits and veggies. cause their nonliving things. tell daniel he needs to be mor careful next time. i hope you read the next tip.

dance and school

i like 2 dance and work at school. sometimes i get ruth in my dance classes. she did. and anyway, we danced the song called carousel waltz and did the nutcracker tryouts. i got the remarkable reader certifacite at school. i'm also in mrs. gist class. but......SCHOOLS OUT!!!!!!!!!!:)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Health and Safety Tip #1

Hi guys, i'm here to talk to you about health and safety.
  1. Sunscreen- You should always have sunscreen before you do water activities outside. If you don't, you will have a bad sunburn.
  2. Fruits and Veggies- You need to eat a ton of health food so you can earn muscles and keep you strong.

Mirror World

Mirror World is an imaginary land that my 3 twins(that look like me, of course.)live in and i am the vice president of that planet. There are a ton of unicorns at Mirror World, cause its the only animal on that planet so don't worry cause they won't eat you. Any how my twins are named Double, Gabby, and Anna. When I look in the mirror, i see my twins. If you see this picture of a unicorn, it is Double's Unicorn named Cutie. And i also get free video games, cause i'm the vice president thats why.