Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Party

I loved Bowser's Party! And it was just me, Browser, and Bowser. We were eating chocolate chip cookies.Me And Browser were chomping those cookies like crazy! Hahahaha and Yumyumyumyum! We also got to open presents.(Bowser got a best boss ever trophy,I got a calm assistant badge, and Browser got a dsi in black! No fair!)And we played with these braces, and it was me and Browser who played and it was electric! Ouch! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


  1. I love a good party! You are the best assistant ever! Love, Mom

  2. Chocolate chip cookies - i hate that i missed those! do you think uncle randy would get the best boss ever trophy?

  3. Calm assistant badge??? not sure what that is...please explain. Thank you.

  4. Christmas PARTY!!! I love Christmas Parties!!! It sounds like you had a great time. But, who wouldn't with chocolate chip cookies and all.
