Monday, November 2, 2009

haunted house 3: the action

Well at Ghostlings Gift Shop, there was a lot of action: Goomba sat in a pumpkin,Pirahna Plant

fell in love with a rat, Rocky turned into a dork,and Sweety shouted at goomba"Put that sword down!"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That was very funny.At spooky aisle:kani played with my mobile,maguro chatterboxed with horsetail, and pirahna plant put the eyeball on her petal. At the mascots Bolta and Liz-zie-liz-liar turned into scaredy cats! I felt very unsatisfied when Pirahna Plant said:"SHUT UP YOU SCAREDYCATS!" Then i did not let her take the final pic. Nobody got to because of her.


  1. that Pirahna Plant...she was just causing trouble. that's a little sad. Your mobile is pretty cool - very spooky.

  2. Help me!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm scared!!!!

    aunt daisy

  3. That's a VERY spooky haunted room! Great Job! -Mrs. Cherie & Daisy
